Opportunities to be Equipped
At Mountain View we have a vision to equip every person for all that God has called them to do for his glory. As we read Ephesians 4 above, we see that ministry is not just for a chosen few people, but it is something that every “saint,” or Christian, is called to be a part of.
As such, we have developed opportunities for every person at Mountain View to be equipped regardless of where they are in their spiritual journey. Below you will find the various opportunities we provide for each person’s spiritual and ministry development.
Three times a year we offer this important 10-week class where we dive into the theological distinctives of Mountain View Community Church. This is an important class will help you dig into God’s Word and study for yourself many important and sometime controversial topics. This class is a requirement for membership and a prerequisite for leadership in many of our ministries.
Every semester, we offer one of our three core classes. These classes are meant for believers who want to increase their knowledge of theology and doctrines that point us closer to our Savior.
Gospel Story – This class is intended to help us understand the grand narrative of redemptive history and how the story of the gospel impacts our lives today. Offered Spring 2025.
Gospel Belief – This class dives deep into key doctrines of the Bible, God, Man, and Salvation.
Gospel Formation – We will learn how an understanding of the good news and the spiritual disciplines of the historic Christian faith shape us into the kind of people that God calls us to be.
This is a day we offer once a year that is designed to equip the members of Mountain View Community Church in various practical areas of our lives. Class topics include equipping around parenting, marriage, finances, apologetics, how to study your Bible, practical ministry training, how to share your love for Jesus with others, marketplace ministry, and more.
Stay tuned for information on Equip Day 2025.
We aren’t meant to do this life alone. The goal of Mountain View LifeGroups is to provide a small group of people where we can feel known, be held accountable, and experience one-on-one discipleship. These groups not only allow us to dive deeper into the Word of God, but we’re able to see biblical community played out in a real way.
Learn more about LifeGroups
We frequently go through new Bible Studies together as a body. While we aren’t current going through a study, you are always welcome to revisit our four previous bible studies below.
Read through our Bible Studies
This is a two-year program designed to train pastors and leaders to be sent out on church plants, missions, or raised up to be pastors at MVCC. Classes focuses on Biblical and theological equipping, character, and practical ministry. A new class starts every year.
Interested in learning more about how to apply?
Contact Kevin Wolfe
If you’re new to faith or investigating what it looks like to follow Jesus this is the class for you. Study through the foundations of Christianity and develop a clear understanding of the good news of Jesus. You will gain biblical understanding that will set you up for a lifetime of following God. This is a 10 week class provided every semester.
Mountain View Residency is a full-time ministry position designed to raise up the next generation of leaders to be equipped for a lifetime of fruitful, gospel-centered ministry in God’s kingdom. We currently have Student Ministries, Church Planting, and Worship Residencies available.