
Opportunities to Serve

It is the desire of MVCC Pastors to see everybody that calls Mountain View home actively serving the body. We believe that people should be committed to serving regularly in a ministry where they can love others, use their gifts and passions, and help facilitate the weekly gathering. If you are not serving regularly at MVCC, we encourage you to look over the volunteer descriptions below and prayerfully select an area where you can commit to serving. Once you do that, feel free to click the boxes below to reach out for next steps.

Our Sunday Morning Team ensures that our services flow smoothly and people leave feeling welcome and encouraged. This team consists of Greeters, Ushers, Hospitality, Care Team, and more. Click the image to fill out an interest form if you are looking to serve in one of these areas!

Our Middle School, High School, College, and Ethne (International Student Ministry) groups are at the heart of all we do at Mountain View. We believe that the Lord has called us to reach Fort Collins with the Gospel and that begins with our students. We need dozens of volunteers to help us love our students well – click the image to receive more information.

Our MVCC Kids volunteers are responsible for equipping our youngest generation with the truth of the Gospel. From teachers, to nursery, to floor supervisors, there is a spot for you on the Kids team. We need over 150 volunteers to make every Sunday happen – click the image to learn more!

We have several ways to serve the church outside of the three ministries above. If you’re interested in learning more about the Creative Team, Worship/AV, Visual Arts, admin opportunities, leading a LifeGroup, and more, fill out the interest form by clicking the image.

Jesus is the ultimate example of serving others. Hear more about what God’s Word says about serving in the sermon below on Mark 10:32-45.