We believe that most of our local outreach will happen by the church body at MVCC as we embrace the “full spectrum” of discipleship that Jesus commanded us to do. This will happen as we are intentional with the gospel with neighbors, co-workers, family members, classmates, or elsewhere. However, there are a few strategic areas that we have strategic teams with the intention of reaching out to and/or partnering with other organizations who share similar heart convictions.
And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us,
Acts 17:26-27
We recognize that God has sovereignly placed where we live, work, and play to love those around us and point them to Jesus. As a church, we want to encourage and equip each person to be intentional and purposeful with those that God has placed around them.
Compassion Ministry
Jesus has a heart for the marginalized and vulnerable in our world, and so should we as a church. We need to be intentional in the way we love, serve, and reach those in our community and throughout the world who are in need. We want to serve the orphan, the unborn, the poor, the oppressed, the suffering, the prisoner.
Helping Hand
Mountain View aims to give financially to those in need on a case by case basis. If you’re interested in giving to this ministry, click the link below. For any questions about Helping Hand, call the church at 970.490.2262 or email us at any time!
Middle and High School Students
We feel a huge burden to hold out the hope of Christ to the next generation who live in our community. The secondary school years can be some of the most challenging years for any person’s life and we feel it is a great opportunity to love, mentor, and share the hope of Christ with this critical demographic. Our vision is to raise up teams of people who will intentionally go to where the students are, build relationships, and point their hearts to Jesus. If you want to learn more about being part of one of these strategic teams to reach youth, contact our Middle School or High School Crew below:
Contact the Middle School Crew
Contact the High School Crew
CSU Campus
One of the main reasons MVCC was planted in Fort Collins is because it is a college town. We have a conviction that many leaders of tomorrow will come from college & university campuses across the world. We believe this time period in life sets a critical trajectory for future church involvement. We believe college students can change the world and we continue to invest heavily in ministry to Colorado State University. If you want to learn more about how we go about reaching the campus or want to learn about being part of this strategic team, connect with the College Ministry leadership team below.
Within the university campus, there are also more specific ways that we pockets of people that we target or partner with organizations who are seeking to reach these segments of people.
- Athletes: By partnering with Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Athletes in Action, we seek to reach the athletes on campus.
- Ethne (International Students): Students from all over the world are coming to Fort Collins and we pray that they would be transformed by Jesus. Ethne, our International Student Ministry hosts monthly dinners and weekly LifeGroups to make these students feel at home.
- Vet Students: CSU has one of the best Veterinary schools in the country. We seek to reach these students by having a weekly gathering where students are encouraged and equipped to reach other vet students.