Nepal Child Sponsorship
In 2015, Mountain View Community Church was able to launch a long-awaited and prayed for child sponsorship program in partnership with our sister church in Pohkara, Nepal. While the program will provide these children with some of their basic needs and education, the program is designed to reach these children with the hope of the Gospel and further the work already started by the elders at Binay Church. The program helps provide the means for these children to receive an education, help them with hygiene education, and teach them about Jesus Christ. For more information about the program, watch the video above and see the Background Information and FAQ’s below.
How much does the sponsorship cost?
We have two sponsorship opportunities at either $30 per month or $50 per month. You can visit https://mvcc.aprann.org/ to learn more about setting up your payment. If you have any questions about setting that up, use the button above to contact us.
Can I pay for 1 year at a time?
Yes, you can pay for a full year of your sponsorship up-front. The total cost for the year is $360. Please use the button above to contact us if you would like to do this so that we can give you details to make sure the money goes to the right account.
How long does the sponsorship last?
The sponsorship is perpetual until the child ages out, or the sponsor chooses to end their sponsorship.
What if I’m unable to continue to sponsor my child during the year?
We understand that there may be situations that come up that prevent sponsors from continuing with the program. In such cases, simply let us know using the contact form above and we will work to find a new sponsor for the child as quickly as we can.
Do I get assigned a kid or can I select a kid?
You can choose from the available children or we can choose one for you.
What will the money be used for?
The sponsorship program helps with: tuition / school fees, books,
school supplies, some food & medical assistance, basic hygiene supplies and education, and Biblical teaching.
A portion of the money will be used to help cover administrative costs in Nepal of the program.
Who are the kids and how are we connected to them?
Pastor Hom from our sister church in Pokhara is the lead on this project. The children were hand picked by the elders of the church in Pokhara for this opportunity to be sponsored.
Why is MVCC doing this program? Why Nepal? Why don’t I just sponsor through an organization like Compassion?
The main reason we are doing this program stems from our existing relationship with the church in Pokhara. This has been a vision of the pastors at Binay Church for many years and recently all of the pieces have come together for this program to take life. Mountain View Community Church has no intention to create a program to compete with an organization such as Compassion and many families at MVCC sponsor children through these organizations. However, many of these agencies do not operate in Nepal because of restrictive government regulations. This is an opportunity for people at MVCC to meet the practical needs of these children and support the work of the Gospel with our sister church in Pokhara.
How much can I communicate with the children?
There will be opportunities to communicate with your child periodically. We’ll plan to give updates for the program overall, and have special opportunities to communicate (sending a family picture, etc).
Will I have the opportunity to meet the child?
Currently we don’t have any specific plans for sponsors would meet the kids. However, through our partnership with the church there, we hope that sponsor families would have the opportunity to meet their sponsor child should they desire to travel to Nepal and do so. We do also send people to Nepal to provide English Camps and to help support the church there which could provide further opportunities to meet your sponsor child.