In the September of 2023, Mountain View sent Micah, Julie, and Jamie Wendt to serve as missionaries in Novi Sad, Serbia. The Wendt’s felt called to Serbia for two reasons. Due to the political and religious climate, Protestant churches are considered cults. Very few churches exist outside the two major cities and churches rarely grow past 15-30 people. Additionally, By 2050, Serbia is expected to lose 25% of its population to emigration due to a lack of jobs. It has the second highest organized crime rate in Europe, and cultivates a general sense of hopelessness among young people. Because of this, their goal is to travel, train, and support local churches and youth leaders in Serbia & the Balkan region. Micah is helping lead a new church plant in Novi Sad and Julie is supporting the local church through discipleship, hospitality, marketing, and business development.

There are many ways you can join us in supporting the Wendt family!
- PRAY that they would see the local church grow and stabilize through men and women of all ages encountering and following Jesus. Pray that leaders and teams would developed and sent to start new churches throughout Serbia and the Balkans. Pray that the Lord would use Micah and Julie to serve pastors and youth leaders in the Balkans through encouragement, equipping, and empowerment.
- FOLLOW the Wendts journey through their monthly newsletter or social media.
- GIVE to what the Lord is doing in and through the lives of Micah, Julie, and Jamie. Click the button below for more info, or reach out to Micah directly with any questions.