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  • Community is Vital – Crew 05/06/20
  • Community is Vital – Crew 05/06/20

    In a season where we’re all forced on avoiding people “like the plague” I’m sure a lot of you have felt this tension. The tension of not being around and with people, other than your family of course. That tension exists because we are wired to be in community. God has wired each one of us to be in a community to love, serve, and encourage one another as well as build one another up to greater maturity in Christ. That being said, check out the video below to hopefully be encouraged by your peers talking about what the Lord is doing in their lives in this season.

    This week at Crew there will be no all Zoom gathering. We will all meet in LifeGroups this week to experience that community we’re all longing for and I would argue needing right now.

    Expect to receive a Zoom link from your LifeGroup leaders soon so you can log on right at 7 pm Wednesday.

    Reminder: Next week is our last Crew of the semester and it’s also Senior Night. So be thinking of some encouragements you’d like to share with the Seniors during that time.