Endurance in Suffering – All Crew Zoom Call 4/22/20
This week we’re doing a live Crew Zoom call again to start the night! It was so good to see all of your faces live last week we decided to do it again. Log in at 7:00 pm so we can all meet together as one big group. Feel free to join 10 min before if you desire to hang out and chat with everyone for a bit. We can’t wait to see you all there!
Click HERE for the Zoom link to join.
One of your Lifegroup leaders will send you an additional Zoom link to meet as a lifegroup directly following Crew. Keep an eye out for the link! We hope this time not only opens up meaningful discussions around God’s word but a sweet time to encourage one another in a hard season.
Before you join here are a few things that will help you prepare and get more out of our time together tomorrow night:
- Decide what your favorite restaurant is in town and why.
- Watch a 5 min video by The Bible Project video on1 Peter
- Continue to read and do SOAP notes from the40-Day Reading Plan, specifically 1 Peter 4
- Invite any of your friends that are looking for a place to connect