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  • Czech Team Update: God is Using Camp!
  • Czech Team Update: God is Using Camp!

    The Czech Republic is a beautiful country. The people are as vibrant as the country side we traveled through to get to the camp. The Czech people are a proud people – proud of their heritage, their nationality, and their communities.  

    Christ is Using Camp!

    The Czech kids at camp are brimming with life and seem naturally happy, if not joyful, about being here. For all that I’ve spoken with, camp is the highlight of their lives. One young man, who is here for his 3rd time said, “if my life were more like camp, I would become a Christian.”  

    For some of these young people, making a decision to accept Christ as their personal Savior and follow him is like turning their backs on their families. Still, many of these brave young men and women come to camp, hear the Lord’s voice calling them and they follow Him in obedience.

    Many of the young people I met made their decision for Christ right here or right after attending camp. And, one of the great things about this is that these beautiful young people are and will be leading their country BACK to Christ. God has not and never did forsake this country. He is raising up another generation here, through the work accomplished in camps like this one all over the Czech Republic and Slovakia, to undo what the enemy has tried in vain to do here.

    A Wonderful Group of Kids!

    It was surprising for me and some of the others on this team to find that the Czech kids are engaging, polite, considerate, and FUNNY. They have a great sense of humor and laughter seems to be the common currency. They seem to love to tease one another and have warmed up to us to take jabs at us, as well.

    English Camp for me has been wonderful. The kids are open to learning . . . as long as I make it fun and they can laugh while they’re learning. Discussion groups later in the day discuss the content of the message from the Word that is brought every night by one of the leaders. Jordan brought an awesome message last night that focused on the fact that we all make poor decisions and need God’s forgiveness to free us from the bondage of sin. The young people in my group took this premise and processed it as completely as any group of adults I’ve ever shared the notion with! So, after such a heavy discussion, they wanted to get back to the fun. Activities occur throughout the day and into the dark of the night – yesterday’s pool party was especially fun.

    Well, that’s about it for me. Thank you, MVCC, for supporting this trip, this team, and the Lord’s work in the Czech Republic. Eternal and generational decisions are being made here in large because of your love for our Lord. Please continue to pray that God would call all of these kids to salvation!

    God bless you,
    David Jones
