God With Us – Preparing Our Hearts
It feels like every year goes by faster. As such, it’s every year that we’re saying (sooner than the one before) that we can’t believe it’s already Christmas time. Yet, here we are once again.
If we aren’t purposeful in fixing our minds and hearts on the wonder of this season, it will be gone as fast as it has come. The Event of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus is the singular most important event of all history. And His incarnation – GOD WITH US – heralds the climax of redemptive history. Don’t let this season fly by without worship. Don’t let our culture’s hunger to fill the void of brokenness with sales and sentimentality let you forget this wonder.
Below are a few resources to help you to worship God and revel in the Good News! Use them personally, in your family and in your LifeGroup. If you’re reading this when it was posted (December 1st) start one of these TODAY. If you’re reading it later, don’t let that be a barrier to using these materials; just start on the day it is and keep going!
Good News Of Great Joy – Devotional from Desiring God (free digitally/pay for paperback)
Or get the Desiring God App to get the devotionals on your phone or tablet:
Austin Stone Advent – Devotional from Austin Stone Community Church (free digitally)
Or you can download the Austin Stone app to get the devotionals on your phone or tablet:
May both of these resources serve you in drawing close to Jesus this season!