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  • Job Opportunities at MVCC

    Below, you will find the open positions at Mountain View Community Church. Included in each job description is how to apply. If you have any questions, reach out to Hannah Carnefix or call 970.218.0876.

    Pastor of Student Ministry Leadership The Student Ministry Director (SMD) is to oversee all student ministries at MVCC (College, International Student Ministry, High School, and Middle School) to reach all the students in Fort Collins ages 12-22 with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The SMD is responsible for providing leadership, vision, and coaching over a unified student ministries team at MVCC as well as champion student ministries among the pastoral team and church body at large.  Long term, we see this as a pastoral role at MVCC so we would desire that the person applying for this role would have future pastoral aspirations as the Lord affirms them in this role. Click here for the full job description or to learn how to apply.

    Discipleship Pastor The “Discipleship Pastor” will help champion, implement and model the call that we have as followers of Christ to make disciples who make disciples. One of the most important environments for this to take place is through our LifeGroup ministry (small groups) so this role would help lead our LifeGroup ministry (invest, recruit, equip, and multiply). They will also be responsible to help design, execute, and lead people in the pathway of getting connected into the church family and growing to be an active church member. The ideal candidate would have a pastoral heart who would use their gift of leadership to direct other leaders and volunteers to carry out the vision of the church to make disciples as they model this in their own lives. The candidate must be a strong leader, a good communicator in both large and small group settings, be welcoming to a new person, be able to cast vision, and be able to relationally connect with a diverse range of people and gifts. This role will require problem solving skills to come up with the best solutions for a growing church as we keep our eyes on Jesus. Click here for a full job description or to learn how to apply.