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  • Powerful Video Testimonies from Billy Graham
  • Powerful Video Testimonies from Billy Graham

    Jesus prayed for us in John 17:15 “I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one.”  What a great reminder that Jesus has called us to a purpose – to make Disciples!  He has left us here to press into the darkness with the Light of the Gospel.  This past weekend as we studied through the Gospel of Mark, we witnessed Jesus calling Levi (Matthew) to follow Him.  Levi was a man in most peoples eyes that would never respond to Jesus (he was a hated tax collector) …but He did!!  It was a great reminder for all of us to not limit God but step out in faith, seeking to introduce ALL PEOPLE to Jesus.  

    I want to encourage you to watch the following video.  It was produced by the Billy Graham Association in conjuntion with Mr. Graham’s 95 birthday.  The stories are very powerful and will encourage you that God’s grace is indeed big enough to save anyone.  You will be encouraged and reminded in a fresh way of the power of God which I believe will lead us to stepping out in faith.  There are two videos I would encourage you to watch from this link.  The first one is called “The Cross” which is what was shown on TV two weeks ago.  It has two powerful testimonies and Mr. Graham presents the Gospel very clearly through the message of the cross.  The second video is my favorite, it is called “Defining Moments”.  Again, it shows three very powerful testimonies from a pro football player, a magician and a rock star.  The video weaves many teachings of Billy Graham throughout the years to powerfully share the Gospel.  Not only be blessed personally by these videos but consider who in your life that you can point to these videos.


    or individual links:  

    Defining Moments:

    The Cross: