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  • Prayer and Fasting – Casting Our Anxieties on Him
  • Prayer and Fasting – Casting Our Anxieties on Him

    Preparing our hearts

    • Take a quiet moment to acknowledge the distractions of your heart and mind. Ask God for help to let those things go as you devote this time to seek Him in prayer.
    • Read through the following passages as a means of filling your mind with truth. If you are with a group, have someone read them out loud… 1 Peter 5:6-7, Philippians 4:5-5, Psalm 131:1-3, and Matthew 11:28-30.

    Drawing near to Him who cares

    • Begin by praising God for various aspects of His character. For example He cares about our anxieties, He is capable to handle our burdens, He is mindful of our concerns, He knows what we need before we even ask Him, He is in control over a world that seems to be spinning out of control. Don’t rush through this step, because the depths of His character are endless!
    • Confess any ways where you are trying to play the role of managing the universe. Acknowledge that you are not God and praise Him that He is. Thank Him for His sovereign control and articulate your desire to surrender to His sovereignty.

    Acknowledging our anxieties

    • Take some time to acknowledge to God the circumstances around you that are creating unrest in your soul. Describe to Him how you are feeling.
    • Take time to specifically name your anxieties and concerns. Be articulate. Then, confess to God any behaviors or actions that are the result of dwelling in those anxieties. For example, has your anxiety led to any sinful escapes? Has your anxiety led to a controlling demeanor? Has your anxiety caused you to treat someone poorly?

    Casting our anxieties on Him

    • Now that you have acknowledged your anxieties, cast them on the Lord by making your request known to Him. For each anxiety, what are you specifically asking Him to do about it? This is how you take the anxiety out of your control and hand it over to God (Phil 4:6). It is an act of trust and an expression of belief in His care and capability.
    • Take time to actively thank God for the trials you are facing, and for His grace in their midst!
    • Ask Him to shower you with the supernatural peace that He promises (Phil 4:7). And be prepared to repeat this process throughout your day rather than seeing this as a one-time event. The process itself is a means of grace to practically experience His nearness!

    Praying for our anxious world

    • Pray for those you care about who don’t know Jesus. Pray for their burdens, and ask that God would somehow use their burdens and anxieties to open their eyes to Himself.
    • Pray for the things happening in our world that concern your heart and soul. Pray for God to reveal His glory during this unique time.
    • Pray for the church of Jesus to truly experience the peace that is ours in the midst of the chaos of our times. Pray that we truly would be salt and light to others during this time, and that the goodness of our God would be on display through us!