Prayer and Fasting
We have some opportunities for you to join with the church body in pursuing Christ this week:
First, we want to invite you in the next week to take a day in prayer and fasting. We have provided some further information about fasting (see below) and how it’s an important spiritual discipline in helping us seek the Lord. Please consider fasting for a meal or two this week and spend the time in prayer for our church leaders and our church body.
Second, we are opening the Remington building for corporate prayer and worship – this Thursday 4/29 at noon and Friday 4/30 at 7:30pm – both in the sanctuary. Please join us for this time if you’re able!
Also, in response to this week’s sermon, we have included a resource with many promises from the Word as we look to be comforted by God; a great compilation of truths that can lead and help us. Jesus is still on his throne, and the gospel is what we all still need.
Drawing Near to Our Comforter
Use this resource as you seek to be comforted by God.