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  • Ukrainian Refugee Support
  • Ukrainian Refugee Support

    When the world is experiencing some more specific and painful elements of unrest like the last week in Ukraine, many people will often be stirred to help in incredibly generous ways. But it’s not always all that straightforward to share resources across the globe simply because we don’t always know where they are going. We want the funds we send to get directly to the greatest place of need and into the hands of those who will minister the needs right alongside the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    So, what if there were displaced Ukrainians who were fleeing to your city? What if your church had the opportunity to serve these people, meet their needs, and declare to them the greatest love ever known in the gospel? You’d likely want to jump in and help in any way the Lord was leading. Well, we have almost that exact opportunity found in supporting several churches and a network that’s right in the Crossway family but half way across the world in the Czech Republic!