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  • Ways to Respond to Hurricane Harvey
  • Ways to Respond to Hurricane Harvey

    Interstate highway 45 is submerged from the effects of Hurricane Harvey seen during widespread flooding in Houston, Texas, U.S. August 27, 2017. REUTERS/Richard Carson

    Interstate highway 45 is submerged from the effects of Hurricane Harvey seen during widespread flooding in Houston, Texas, U.S. August 27, 2017. REUTERS/Richard Carson

    Last week, Hurricane Harvey made landfall on the Gulf Coast of Texas and it was quickly understood to be one of the most devastating and expensive disasters in American history.  From a distance, it’s hard to even comprehend the magnitude of the disaster (if that’s you, here and here are a couple of helpful articles from The Gospel Coalition).  When such crises hit, followers of Jesus want to respond with love, compassion, and tangible help.  It can be tricky to know which methods or organizations are best; where will your time and money be used most effectively?

    There are many great organizations that are effectively and practically serving the people of East Texas to whom you can give financially such as Preemptive Love and The North American Mission Board.  At Mountain View, we partner with a local organization called Serve 6.8, and they are coordinating a response to help the survivors of Hurricane Harvey alongside some other networks that are well equipped to respond.  Through Serve 6.8 you can give financially, but more importantly, they are facilitating a collection and distribution site from their Resource Center at Christ Center Church to aide the relief effort. They need OUR help.  If you can, please consider signing up and volunteering your time – you can do so by visiting their website at

    If you’re unable to give financially or volunteer your time, please be in prayer for the people of Houston and the efforts to relieve the challenge that comes from this disaster.  Pray for peace, comfort, safety, and more than anything, that the life of the gospel would shine forth through this . We can be sure that God who commands the wind and rain has purposes through this to make Himself known and proclaim His kingdom.