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  • Called to Peace

    In this week’s episode, Hannah and Aaron sit down with Kim Martin to discuss our latest sermon in 1 Corinthians 7:1-16! Be sure to listen to the latest sermon here.

    • Sermon Recap
    • What is each of your background with marriage and singleness when it comes to the church? What did you grow up believing was best or the way God designed things?
    • I love that you talked about relationships in general throughout the message, Aaron, because being self-giving, contentment, and living transformed lives all feel like such practical things we can carry with us no matter who we’re interacting with. Do you guys feel like you struggle with any of these three areas in your relationships more than the others?
    • Marriage: Aaron you talked about the cycle of conflict and if one person can begin the process of forgiving then it makes it easier to break down that wall that’s been built between spouses. What if it’s something big like wanting to have kids or financial decisions and it feels like one person compromising is just them giving up their desires?
    • Singleness: How do we fight culture and find contentment in singleness?
    • Self Control: Paul says several times that it’s better to marry than burn with passion or lack self control. What if that’s not people’s problem? I feel like a lot of time it’s just the desire to have companionship and not necessarily anything sexual. Do you guys feel like that’s the case? Would Paul say it’s better to be married then too?
    • When you ended the message saying “Trying harder won’t make you better at this”, I felt relief because I want to be more content and more self-giving in all of my relationships. What does entrusting ourselves to Jesus look like for both of you?

    7 Myths about Singleness – Sam Allberry
    The Meaning of Marriage – Timothy Keller
    This Momentary Marriage – John Piper

    If you have questions you would like answered on the Descend Podcast, email Hannah Carnefix today!
