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  • 1 Corinthians – The Wisdom and Power of the Cross
  • 1 Corinthians – The Wisdom and Power of the Cross

    In this week’s episode, Hannah and Aaron sit down with Pastor Kevin Wolfe, to discuss the sermon walking through our series in 1 Corinthians – In All Things. Be sure to listen to the full sermon here.

    • Sermon recap
    • Kevin, you kind of went over this in your sermon, but what are the things that make being a believer foolish to the world? I’m sure more people than we think view our faith like all of the people who you quoted this weekend. What do we say or how do we live our lives to convince them otherwise?
    • I love when you talked about the cross offending human pride because we can’t solve our own problems when it comes to sin. Are there specific times in your lives where you’ve tried to solve your own problems that only Christ can solve?
    • I don’t want to go into predestination for the sake of time, but I do feel like this is a pretty large point of the text. Thinking about the tiers you talked about last week Aaron, where does this fall?
    • Any resources that you two have found helpful?

    Resources mentioned in this episode: