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  • Good News for the Self-Assured
  • Good News for the Self-Assured

    In this week’s episode, Hannah sits down with Aaron and Karla LeDuc to discuss the latest sermon, marriage, parenting, and more! Be sure to listen to the latest sermon here.

    • Sermon recap
    • I loved the optimist vs pessimist example in the beginning of the sermon, Aaron. How have you guys adjusted in marriage knowing that you’re both like this?
    • “We haven’t created any of the grace the Lord has shown us” when talking about verse 7 was such a good reminder. How do you guys remember that everything is a gift? Are there verses that help you remember this? How do you teach your kids this?
    • Verse 20 feels a little confusing still – can we talk through what this means?
    • The fact that Paul can say “be imitators of me” is so cool. First, how do we strive for that while also staying humble? Second, how do you guys keep humility as a focus not get caught up in the fact that your jobs are literally the serve the Lord? It feels like it can very easily become a “well I know a lot because this is my area of expertise” kind of situation. Are there certain ways that you practice humility or have to remind yourselves of this?
    • What is one way that parenting 5 children has refined you and drawn you closer to the Lord? How have you had to be a team lately?

    Rest by Jess Ray

    If you have questions you would like answered on the Descend Podcast, email Hannah Carnefix today!