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  • Gospel Hope…And Such Were Some Of You
  • Gospel Hope…And Such Were Some Of You

    In this week’s episode, Hannah and Aaron sit down with Pastor Greg Yancey to discuss the latest sermon in 1 Corinthians 6:1-11! Be sure to listen to the latest sermon here.

    • Sermon recap
    • Do you think that Paul was saying we shouldn’t take things to secular courts because those courts were unfair to believers? Or just because we should handle things as a family first? How would you guys like to see Mountain View handle things like this?
    • Greg, the quote that you mentioned that said “do not let the world squeeze you into it’s mold” felt like such a good reminder for our church. It is so so easy to let the world slowly seep into our lives without even realizing it. How do we keep our hearts in check?
    • Can we break down apologetic again? Greg you defined it in your sermon, but can you give us a recap. Why are apologetics so important to us?
    • How do verses 1-8 link to verses 9-11? Was Paul saying that people who were caught in the listed sins were the ones bringing lawsuits against each other?

    The Reason for God – Tim Keller
    Indwelling Sin in Believers – John Owen
    The Pursuit of Holiness – Jerry Bridges

    If you have questions you would like answered on the Descend Podcast, email Hannah Carnefix today!
