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  • Kingdom of God – Politics Recap
  • Kingdom of God – Politics Recap

    In this week’s episode, Hannah sits down with pastors Aaron LeDuc, Greg Yancey, and Nick Cistola to answer questions from our body about politics and voting. Be sure to listen to the full Kingdom of God sermons here.

    • Sermon recap
    • How explicit do you think the Church in the United States and in particular Mountain View should be in sharing recommendations on political policy and candidates from the pulpit?
    • What would you say to a believer who believes that the USA is God’s chosen nation? This thinking impacts a lot of politics and policies.
    • What would you say to someone who says, “I don’t support gay marriage or using/abusing drugs because of my biblical convictions. However, I also don’t believe it’s the government’s role to regulate such things, therefore, when those ballot issues come up, I tend to vote against government oversight.” If America is not a Christian nation, is it fair to push out laws that enforce Christian values (like making gay marriage illegal)?
    • We have talked about how when we vote, we are voting for the person and their character. What should we do when the person and their character don’t align with our values, but the polices that we are passionate about and believe in will best be upheld by that person?
    • How should I feel about voting for the independent party? I cannot vote for a candidate who promises to reinstate roe v wade, but the character and chaos that follows the opposing party also seems unwise to promote. This leads me to the independent party, which seems better than choosing to not vote at all, but some still say is the same as not voting. How would you all lead in this?
    • I think the hardest challenge for Christian voters (or any voters) is, how do I know what is true about these candidates or issues? Where should we turn for information? How can we feel some confidence in our sources?

    Democratic Platform Policies
    Republican Platform Policies
    – Albert Mohler Podcast – The Briefing
    100 Bible Verses that Made America – Robert J. Morgan

    If you have questions you would like answered on the Descend Podcast, email Hannah Carnefix today!