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  • Amos 5:18-27 – Hope and Worship
  • Amos 5:18-27 – Hope and Worship

    In this week’s episode, Hannah is joined by College Director, Andrew Overmiller, and College Resident, Josephine Lim, to discuss our sermon series through the Book of Amos. Be sure to listen to the full sermon here.

    • Sermon Recap
    • I want our theme of this podcast to be our hearts being in the right place. I feel like this has been a theme throughout Amos so far and sometimes that feels like too big a task to really think through. Andrew, I loved that you went through the fact that trying harder isn’t the solution, but empty worship is how the Israelites got to where they were. What does it mean for both of you to have your hearts aligned with God?
    • I loved when you talked about “I’m going to read my Bible so I have the right answers when I need them” because I so often get caught up in this. Or I search for my daily reading based on what my life looks like in that specific moment. I don’t think that’s bad necessarily, but I also don’t think that’s the point. Do you guys have specific instances of this happening in your own lives? What does your daily reading look like to try to combat this?
    • How do you see college students’ hearts not being in the right place? When have you seen this been done well?
    • How can we be praying for both Albania this week and our College Ministry in general?