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  • Better That I Go Away?
  • Better That I Go Away?

    Kevin Wolfe – John 15:18-16:4

    Discussion Questions
    • What stood out to you most from the sermon? Why?
    • What did Jesus mean when He said in vs. 7 “it is to your advantage that I go away”?
    • When you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious, how quickly do you turn to the Holy Spirit in your life? What barriers that keep you from seeking your Helper in these moments?
    • What does it practically mean to “walk by the Spirit” (Gal. 5:16)? How would your life be difgferent if you were moment by moment walking in the Spirit?
    • Knowing that the Spirit must convict people of their sin, self righteousness, and coming judgement, how does this lead you to more passionately pray for people who do not yet know Jesus? How does this knowledge lead you into what to pray?