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  • Humble Dependence

    John 15:1-11

    Discussion Questions
    • What are the things you have appreciated most about your mom?  If you are able, have you shared that with her?
    • Why does God prune us?  How does He prune us?  How is God pruning you right now?
    • This passage invites us to abide in Him.  Why is this invitation so amazing?  What does it practically look like to abide in Christ?
    • What is the result of abiding in Christ?  How have you experienced that in your life?
    • This week, read Psalm 91 and write down what we are called to do in the Psalm and contrast that with what God does for us in the Psalm.
    Prayer Items
    • Praise God for your mother and the investment she has made into your life.
    • Pray for fruit in our lives that comes through abiding in Christ.
    • Pray for your willingness to be pruned for greater fruit in your life.
