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  • Longing For The New Country
  • Longing For The New Country

    Aaron LeDuc – Genesis 23, 25:1-11

    Discussion Questions
    • What stood out most to you from the message and why?
    • What do you find yourself longing for? How are you likely to fail to trust in God’s provision for that longing?
    • What are the ways that God has given you glimpses of the Kingdom to come?
    • How does God want you to respond in faith in light of how Abraham and Sarah lived?
    • What is your hope truly in? How does the gospel re-orient your hope to God’s Kingdom?

    Prayer Items
    • There hasn’t been a moment in your existence where God has failed to be in sovereign control of this world and loving care for you. Praise Him for these great truths.
    • As you long for the new country, there are ways that we find lesser satisfactions in this world – confess these to God.
    • Thank God for the many evidences of His grace that you see. He has provided richly for us!
    • As you strive to follow God and pursue His many promises, ask Him to help you trust and obey.
