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  • New Starts And New Courage
  • New Starts And New Courage

    Aaron LeDuc – Genesis 13:1-14:16

    Discussion Questions
    • What stood out to you most from the message?  Why?
    • Are you in need of a fresh start with God? What are the ways that you are asking Him to cover you with His grace?
    • What are the ways you’re tempted to view your circumstances with a pragmatic mindset, rather than one of faith?
    • How is Christ calling you to act courageously? How do you need His help this week?
    • What does God want you to do as a result of this message?

    Prayer Items
    • Spend some time simply worshiping God. We serve a God who keeps His promises, and we see that most clearly through Jesus
    • Confess the ways you’ve wandered or run from God. How have you sinfully looked to control your circumstances.
    • Praise God that you have been provided with everything through Jesus. Thank Him for the ways you have seen him keep his promises
    • How do you need help from your heavenly Father? How do you need the Spirit to meet you? Ask Him for it!
