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Aaron Leduc – Genesis 22:1-19
Discussion Questions
- What stood out most to you from the message and why?
- How did this narrative strike you? Was there anything that was surprising to you as it was read through?
- What kind of testimony would our church be to the world if it was patently obvious that we were secure in our trust for God?
- What are they ways God is calling you to actively obey and trust Him?
- How has God provided for you through Christ? How are you hoping He would meet and provide for you?
Prayer Items
- Read Romans 8:31-39 and praise God for the truths that you find there
- Knowing that you haven’t followed God perfectly this week, confess the ways that you’ve valued His gifts more than you’ve valued God Himself
- Thank God for the great provision you have through Christ and the blessing you receive through His redemption
- Ask God to help you actively obey Him in whatever way He’s calling you